Local Information
We've put together a list of hospitality resources for friends and family who may be unfamiliar with the area. Feel free to explore all that our community has to offer below.
Local Florists
BX Flower Shop (Minot Air Force Base)
362 Missile Ave.
Minot AFB, North Dakota 58705
Phone: 701-727-4404
The Flower Box
301 Burdick Expressway West
Minot, North Dakota 58701
P: 701-838-9302
Flower Central
405 East Central Ave.
Minot, North Dakota 58701
Phone: 701-852-6224
Lowe's Floral
1640 4th Ave NE
Minot, North Dakota 58703
Phone: 701-839-2000
Peony Petals
104 North Central Ave.
Kenmare, North Dakota 58746
Phone: 701-385-4684
Local Church Directory
Berthold Churches
St. Ann's Catholic Church
Phone: 453-3660 (church Number) rectory number in Stanley is 701-628-2323
Office: 701- 628-3405
Berthold Baptist Church (ABC)
PO Box 27, 321 Tyler Street NE
Phone: 453-3655
Zion Lutheran Church
Phone: 453-3650
Parsonage: PO Box 98
Bowbells Churches
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
PO Box 399, Bowbells
They are affiliated with Nazareth Lutheran Church, Kenmare
Phone: 377-2652 or 385-4645
St Joseph's Catholic Church, Bowbells
Phone: 385-4311
United Methodist Church, Bowbells
This church in is connection with the North Prairie Parish (Bowbells, Sherwood and Mohall) Church office is 701-377-2986.
Burlington Churches
Grace Fellowship Church
8300 29 Ave NW, Burlington
Phone: 839-6319
Peace Lutheran Church
521 Davis St N, Burlington
Phone: 833-3440
Butte Churches
St. Paul Lutheran Church
PO Box 138
Butte, ND
Phone: 701-626-7589
Carpio Churches
Carpio Lutheran Church
200 2nd Street West
PO Box 129
Carpio, North Dakota
They are partnered with Zion Lutheran Church, Berthold
Phone: 701-453-3121 or 701-720-6839
Columbus Churches
Faith Lutheran Church
Meeting Location is 103 Parson Street, Columbus
PO Box 87, Columbus
AALC Pulpit
Phone: 939-4444
Trinity Lutheran Church
PO Box 106, Columbus
Phone: 939-4781
DesLacs Churches
Des Lacs United Methodist
RR Des Lacs,
Phone: 725-4982 or 838-8665
He is also at Faith United Methodist Church, Minot, ND
Foxholm Church
St. Mary's Catholic Church (Minot Deanery)
Phone: 701-468-5648
He is also at St. Philomena Catholic Church, Glenburn, ND
He can be reached at St. Leo's Catholic Church, Minot.
Glenburn Churches
First Baptist Church
402 South Street
PO Box 306, Glenburn
Phone: 362-7971
Trinity Lutheran Church
PO Box 157, Glenburn
Phone: 362-7388
St Philomena Catholic Church
Phone: 362-7968
Rectory: PO Box 68, Glenburn
Hope Lutheran Church
Phone: 362-7388
Granville Churches
First Lutheran Church
Phone: 728-6463
Hope Congregational Church
Karlsruhe Churches
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Phone: 525-6631
Kenmare Churches
United as on Lutheran Parish
Church of the Nazarene
902 Central Ave N, PO Box 166, Kenmare
Phone: 385-3295
Faith Baptist Church
318 6th Ave NE, PO Box 142, Kenmare
Phone 385-4466 Parsonage 385-4426.
First Baptist Church, Kenmare
No phone at the church
Nazareth Lutheran Church
401 N Central, PO Box 205, Kenmare
Phone: 385-4645
New Life Church of God
401 2nd Ave NE, Kenmare
St. Agnes Catholic Church
409 Division St, PO Box 488, Kenmare
Phone: 385-4311
Renew United Methodist Church
15 West Division Street
Kenmare, ND
Evanger Lutheran Church, rural Kenmare
Part of the Sherwood Area Lutheran Parish Evangelical, which is Evanger, and Our Savior in Sherwood
5455 98th St. West, Kenmare, ND 58746
Phone: 701-459-2448
Alive Christian Fellowship 203 4th Ave SE, Kenmare
Phone: 701-385-3009
Lignite Churches
Christ Lutheran Church
PO Box 571, Lignite
Phone: 933-2376
Prairie Christian Fellowship,Church of God
Office: 933-4471
Makoti Churches
Hope Lutheran Church
Phone: 758-2484
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church
Phone: 862-3484
Street address: Corner of 4th Ave. & Edwards St.
Max Churches
Our Savior Lutheran Church
PO Box 41, Max
Phone: 679-2771
Roman Catholic Church of Immaculate Conception
St Matthew Lutheran Church, Missouri-Synod
Main St PO Box 274, Max
Phone: 679-2755
Maxbass Churches
English Lutheran Church
Phone: 268-3234
Minot Churches
Ascension Ministries
Shiloh Christian Fellowship
(As of March 14, 2009, merged with North Land Harvest Church)
234 14th Ave SE Minot, ND
Phone 701-838-3048
Assembly of God Churches
First Assembly of God
1805 Second Street SE,
Minot, ND, 58701
(701) 838-1111
River of Life Assembly of God
400 22nd Ave NW, Minot, ND
Phone 838-4878
E-mail address: ed@theriverlife.com
Bible Fellowship
Bible Fellowship
1740 4th Ave NW, Minot
Email: biblefellowship@srt.com
Phone: 838-0916
Baptist Churches
Crossroads Baptist
415 28th Ave SE, Minot
Phone: 838-1873
Southern Baptist
Dakota Baptist Church
916 5th Ave SE, Minot, ND
Phone 852-5399
Office: 852-2103
First Baptist Church
200 Third St SW, Minot, NDv Phone: 852-4533
E-Mail address: firstbap@minot.com
Heritage Baptist Church
Physical address: 435 21 St. NW Minot 58703
mailing address: PO Box 1084 Minot, ND 58702
Phone: 701-833-1798
Immanuel Baptist Church
1615 2 St SE, Minot, ND
Phone: 839-3694
Email Address: immanuel@ndak.net
Lighthouse Church
1400 5th St. SW, Minot
Minot Baptist Church
500 46th Ave NE, Minot, ND
Phone: 839-1351
Independent Fundamental KJV
New Testament Baptist Church
They are meeting at Brookdale Retirement and Assisted Living Center
Phone 701-818-8441
North Hill Baptist Church
524-21st Ave NW, Minot
Phone: 839-7283
Prairie Baptist Church
916 5 Ave SE, Minot
Catholic Churches
Church of the Little Flower
800 University Ave W, Minot
Phone 838-1520
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
707 16th Ave.SW, Minot
Phone 839-6834
Rectory number is 852-3002
St John The Apostle Catholic Church
2600 W Central, Minot
Phone: 839-7062
Rectory: 839-7076
St. Leo the Great Roman Catholic Church
218 1st St. SE, Minot, ND
Phone: 838-1026, to reach the rectory after hours call 839-1027
St. Michael Mission
Member of the Ukrainian Diocese of St. Nicholas in Chicago
812 N. Main St., Minot
Phone: 839-4756
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Calvary Alliance Church
715 20 Ave NW, Minot
Phone: 852-0670
Church of Christ
Church of Christ in Minot
1315 First St. NE, Minot
Church of God
West Minot Church of God
1105-16th St. NW, Minot
Church: 839-1407
Eagles Wings Community Fellowship
1500 2nd Ave. SW
Minot, ND 839-9979
Church of God of Prophecy
Living Waters Family Worship Center
1401 4 St SW, Minot
Phone: 838-3443
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The Minot church has two branches
2025 9 St NW, Minot 838-3149
First Branch
Second Branch call Larry Martin at 839-0201
The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of The Latter Day Saints
304 4 Ave NW, Minot
Phone: 839-5197
Community of Christ
Meeting at the Grand International Inn
1505 N. Broadway (Hwy83 N), Minot
For information call Kim at 727-4238
Eastern Orthodox
St. Peter's Orthodox Church
109 6 St SE, Minot
Phone: 838-3094
All Saints Episcopal Church
301 Main St S, Minot
Phone: 839-1037
Evangelical Free
Trinity Evangelical Free Church
3500 4 St SW, Minot
Phone: 839-5127
Full Gospel
Northland Harvest Church
140 Souris Dr, Minot
Phone: 838-3048
Bible Restoration Fellowship
234 14 Ave SE, Minot
Phone: 839-8202
Gospel Tabernacle Church
9999 27 St NE, Minot
Phone: 838-4492
Spiritual Life Christian Fellowship Open Gate Church
400 N. Main St., Minot, ND 58703
Phone: 839-0914
Minot Islamic Society
1112 32nd Ave NW, NBR 103
Minot, ND
Phone: 701-852-8070
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses
110 Hiawatha Street
Phone: 838-7750
Lutheran Churches
Bethany Lutheran Church-ELCA
215 3 Ave SE, Minot
Phone: 838-5196
They also cover Deering Lutheran Church, Deering.
Email: bethanylutheran@srt.com
Bethel Free Lutheran
530 22nd Avenue NW
Minot, ND 58701
Phone: (701) 852-6492
Email: bethel@minot.com
Bread of Life Lutheran Church
1415 17 Ave SW, Minot
Phone: 838-3360
Christ Lutheran Church
502 17 St NW, Minot
Phone: 838-0746
First Lutheran Church of Minot
120 5th Avenue NW
Minot, ND 58701
Phone: (701) 852-4853
email: flcminot@minot.com
Grace Lutheran church WELS
220 5 Ave NW Minot
Phone: 838-4280 or 837-0778
New Life Lutheran Church-AALC
1900 8 Ave SE, Minot
Phone: 839-7474
Our Redeemer's Church
700 16 Ave SE, Minot
Phone: 838-0750
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Misssouri Synod
3705 11 St SW, Minot
Phone: 852-6404
St Mark's Lutheran Church
2209 4 Ave NW, Minot
Phone: 839-4663 or 839-4754
St Paul's Lutheran Church
200 Burdick Expy E, Minot
Phone: 852-2821
Saron Lutheran Church
RR 3 Minot
Phone: 722-3541
Zion Lutheran Church
1800 Hiawatha St. SE, Minot, ND
Phone: 852-1872
Email: zlc@ndak.net
First Church of the Nazarene Church
2500 Central Ave W, Minot
Phone: 838-8704
Southside Church of the Nazarene
2220 24 Ave SE, Minot
Phone: 852-0684
Abundant Life Community Church
Minot Phone: 839-8559
They meet in the municipal auditorium for services
Church of the Living God
2145 8 St NW, Minot
Phone: 838-0939
Pastors Residence 852-4951
Shiloh Christian Fellowship merged with NorthLand Harvest Church
140 Souris Drive, Minot, ND
Phone: 838-3048
The Pursuit
515 20th Ave SE, Minot ND 58701
Phone: 701-389-2769
Apostolic Faith Church
2929 19 Ave NE, Minot
Phone: 838-0609
Unity Apostolic Center
21 South Main St. Suite 201, Minot, ND
Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World P.A.W.
First Presbyterian Church
PO Box 115
Minot, ND 58702
430 North Broadway at the Congregation United Church of Christ Building
Phone: 701-460-6321
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
1000 3 St. NE, Minot, ND
Phone: 852-0315
Pastor's Study: 838-3722
Harvest Reformed Church(RCUS)
5200 Seventh Ave., SW
Minot, ND
(1 mile west of Behm's Truck stop on US Hwy 2)
Phone: 838-0605
Email: mcgeenme@srt.com
Salvation Army
Salvation Army Church
315 Western Ave, Minot
Phone: 838-8925
Seventh-Day Adventist
Seventh Day Adventist Church
10 17 Ave SW, Minot
Phone: 839-6478
United Church of Christ
Congregational United Church of Christ
430 N Broadway, Minot
Phone: 839-1064
United Methodist
Faith United Methodist Church
5900 Highway 83 North, Minot, ND
Phone: 838-1540
Vincent United Methodist Church
1024 2 St SE, Minot
Phone: 838-1721 or 838-4425
Email address: v-umc@minot.com
Wesleyan Church of Minot
435 21 St NW, Minot
Phone: 852-6433
Email: slwc@minot.com
Velva Churches
Oak Valley Lutheran Church
Address: 400 Main St N, Velva, ND 58790
Phone: (701) 338-2143
St. Cecilia's Catholic Church - Velva
201 2nd Ave W
Velva, ND 58790
Phone: (701) 338-2663 Mailing Address: PO Box K
Velva, ND 58790
United Methodist Church, Velva
111 2nd St E
Velva, ND 58790
Phone: (701) 721-7313